April 2023

An Independent and Authoritative Criminal Justice System
1Uut Rahayuningsih, S.H,2Prof. Dr. Pujiyono, S.H., M. Hum
1,2Magister Law, Faculty of Law, Diponegoro University
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v6-i4-10

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Law enforcement is a must carried out by the state in accordance with the aim of protecting and justice for its citizens, as stated in the 5th precept "Social justice for all Indonesian people". Efforts to implement crime prevention do not necessarily only use penal efforts, there are also non-penal efforts. This penal effort will be closely related to the criminal justice system. As for this study, the method used is normative juridical. With the data collection method using literature studies. The analysis used is qualitative descriptive. The implementation of an independent and integrated criminal justice system is currently not running optimally because currently its structural institutions have not been integrated in the concept of functions and supervision of criminal justice system management because there are still institutions under the executive power of the government. So, in certain contexts it is feared that the influence of executive power shakes the integrity of the institution. So, there is still no firmness between the differences between legislative, executive, and judicial functions. The criminal justice system has also not been systemically realized, and is still fragmentary and compartmentalized, which creates rivalry between sub-systems which leads to an independent and integrated criminal justice system. Synchronization in the fields of substance, structural and legal culture is also a support for the success of an independent and integrated criminal justice system. As for building a good and authoritative criminal law enforcement system, law enforcement human resources who are reliable and mentally tough and have a complete understanding of the law are needed. For this reason, it is necessary to strive to increase education and knowledge for law enforcers, namely knowledge of legal science and the science of the Supreme Godhead.


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